Friday, February 4, 2011

Florence, Italy

Fiera del Cioccolato Artigianale

As the first week of classes drew to an end, my roommates and I were excited for our weekend activities! From Friday February 4 – February 13 Florence hosts an exhibition of handmade chocolates and chocolate-based products. Located in Piazza Santa Croce, the Artisan Chocolate Fair draws in chocoholics (like me!) to gaze in awe at the various forms of chocolate masterpieces on display. The many stands of chocolate, and those products that marry well with chocolate, are available for tasting and purchase for those who appreciate the finest cocoa. Not only do the tents of the particular artisanal chocolate producers promote cocoa, the restaurants surrounding the piazza also offered meals based on cocoa. There are also various planned activities during the week such as a happy hour with chocolate-based drinks. Piazza Santa Croce is the perfect place to enjoy a combination of food and art. We were able to combine this trip with a visit to the church of Santa Croce and the famous Pazzi Chapel.
            Next on the schedule for today was a nice walk over to the magnificent Piazzale Michelangelo. Piazzale Michelangelo sits on a hilltop in the Oltrano district of Florence and has perhaps the best panoramic view possible. If you glance left you can see historical landmarks such as the Ponte Vecchio, Palazzo della Signoria, Basilica di Santa Maria del Flore, and the Basilica di Santa Croce. The monument base was designed by Florentine architect Giuseppe Poggi. It now displays copies of Michelangelo’s works, including the David and Medici chapel sculptures from San Lorenzo. Today the piazza is filled with tourists and vendors. People often come here to enjoy the view, and enjoy the view we did! It was great to meander through the city, cross over the Arno, climbing up the winding hilltop and finding ourselves overlooking one of the most picturesque cities in the world. Not only was the sight breathtaking, but the 60 degree and sunny weather made the day complete. 

Arno River

Climbing up to Piazzale Michelangelo

View from Piazzale Michelangelo

View from Piazzale Michelangelo

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