Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Florence, Italy

Hello everyone! I am sorry I have not posted anything recently; unfortunately midterm exams have consumed my life for the past week and a half. I did not travel this past weekend due to the timing of the exams. Monday I took my History of Modern Consumerism and Food and Wine exams, Tuesday I had Global Business as well as Italian. Finally, today I finished up with my final exam of the week, History of Renaissance Italy. After a tiring week of studying I am now officially on Spring Break! For the next week I will be traveling with three of my roommates. On Friday we head off towards Corfu, Greece where we will spend four nights before flying to Barcelona, Spain for three nights! We end our break with a two-night stay in Ibiza, Spain. I am beyond excited for these travel plans, and I cannot wait to update my experiences when I return. Until then, CIAO!

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