Monday, January 10, 2011

First Day

Today my cousin and I flew out of Logan airport towards Munich, Germany. Although our flight was 20 minutes delayed, everything else went smoothly. We slept for the majority of the 7hour flight and before we knew it Munich was welcoming us with a few snow flurries.  In no time we found our connecting flight’s gate and sat for about an hour waiting to board. Our connecting flight to Vienna, Austria took about 40 minutes but it actually felt more like 10 because I fell asleep before the plane even took off! My goal was to sleep as much as I could on the plane so as to help ease my body into adjusting to the 6hour time difference. Now that the flying was out of the way, my only major concern was whether or not my baggage would be waiting for me. Fortunately ALL of our luggage was some of the first to appear on the baggage claim belt! We were then greeted by Heather’s boyfriend Dom, jumped into his car, and drove through the streets of Vienna until we arrived at his apartment.
            After we settled in we immediately went out to explore – well, at least I was the one who was exploring! Heather has already been and Dom has lived here before sooo needless to say I was the “tourist” of the bunch. Although it was getting to be dusk it was nice to catch a glimpse of the grand churches, unique architecture and beautiful historic buildings. Now we are off the grab a bite to eat of schnitzel! I cant wait to see all that Vienna has to offer…

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