Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vienna, Austria

Johann Strauss

Today marks the last full day I will spend in Vienna, Austria. I cannot believe these two weeks have gone by this quickly! In hopes to enjoy the last morning, I woke up at a reasonable time and went out for another jog around Stadtpark. Even after my 45 minute run, I was eager to go grab my camera and walk around taking in every last bit of the Vienna morning. As I became hypnotized by the tranquility of the pigeons and ducks floating in the pond I noticed a crowd forming off in the distance. When I neared the group I discovered they were snapping photos of the gold Johann Strauss statue. Johann Strauss was an Austrian composer of light music, particularly dance music and operettas. He was known as the “Waltz King”
because he composed over 500 waltzes in his lifetime! The gilded bronze monument stands on the edge of a path in the park along the Wienfluss (Vienna River). Later on, Dom’s father took us out to lunch for our last day. We ventured over to a vegetarian restaurant called Vegetasia, a Taiwan Restaurant.

Although I am not keen on tofu, this meal was surprisingly extremely appetizing! All of the dishes are made with Asian herbs, vegetables, and tofu. Many of the food options have the appearance and taste of meat and poultry products but they are actually 100% vegetarian. It was a very tasty and unique experience.
            While on the topic of good food – I must share with you, the delectable snack we were made last night. We dined on Hungarian bread called langos. It became a part of the country’s cuisine centuries ago and today it is a favorite street and fair food and can be eaten as an appetizer or snack. The bread itself can be rubbed with garlic and sprinkled with salt, or other variations serve langos with sour cream and shredded cheese. Needless to say it was delicious!
            As the day draws to a close I cant help but feel a twinge of sadness in leaving this place. Vienna is by far the largest city in Austria, as well as its cultural, economic, and political center. I even found out that it is the 10th largest city by population in the European Union. In 2007 and 2008 the city was ranked first globally for a culture of innovation, and 2nd globally after Boston in 2009. Traveling throughout Vienna allows for one to experience the beauty of Viennese museums, outdoor markets, renowned monuments, Viennese cuisine and nightlife.
  When we first arrived here, the Christmas streetlights illuminated the city at night. Just recently we experienced the street workers take them down, and now we enjoy the city’s roads and squares lit up by the natural lights of the shops and restaurants. Day or night the city has so much to offer. I am so grateful to Dom and his family for their hospitality and kindness. This trip has gone above and beyond my original expectations. Until next time, danke schön Vienna – auf wiedersehen!

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