Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vienna, Austria

Waking up back in Vienna felt amazing. Paris was everything I could have asked for, but it really did tire me out! Returning back to Austria felt like we were coming back home. On this particular morning I decided to attempt to go for a run. Seeing as I have not gone for a jog since before I arrived in Europe, it wasn’t easy! This particular morning greeted me with crisp cool air but the sun offered some warm relief. I ventured over to Stadtpark, which is one of the city’s main parks and pedestrians can approach the park from any side and find a different environment. I meandered through shady paths; past by ponds with ducks enjoying a morning swim, found statues and structures along the way, and various people enjoying a peaceful stroll. All in all, it was a great start to my day.
            In need for a slow-paced day, we decided to casually walk through the city streets popping in and out of stores along the way. We later stopped in at our favorite pub restaurant called Flanagans Irish Pub, for a quick bite to eat. Although the morning brought rays of sun, the temperature dropped significantly as time went on. It has a great atmosphere, great pub food, and even better Austrian beer on tap!

Since our day was low key, we were very excited to dress up and go out to eat at a classy restaurant. The restaurant Do&Co is located across the street from St. Stephen’s Cathedral on the upper floors of the building. Do&Co’s fine restaurant includes a lounge, a dimly lit atmosphere with an observable food prep area. The restaurant features Viennese staples as well as fine sushi and sashimi and a high-end kebab. This is a modern and sleek dining option, but by no means inexpensive! For the main course, Heather and Dom both chose the “Choose your Wok” option and I the Wienerschnitzel (veal schnitzel). The Choose Your Wok item allows for one to pick from beef, pork, chicken, shrimp, and calamari to any type of vegetable and four different types of noodles. All of these items end up being cooked together in a wok with various sauces. In the end Heather and I shared both of our meals and by the end we were extremely full! 

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